Top 5 Most Challenging Levels in Magnet Mover and How to Beat Them

Magnet Mover: Puzzle Adventures offers a variety of levels, each designed to test your strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. While some levels are straightforward, others can be incredibly challenging. In this post, we’ll explore the top five most challenging levels in the game and provide specific tips and strategies to help you overcome the obstacles and succeed.

Graphic showcasing various levels of Magnet Mover: Puzzle Adventures, highlighting the use of magnets to affect particles. The text reads 'Use the magnet to affect the particles' and 'Find the right angle'.

Level 8: The Maze of Barriers


Level 8 introduces a complex maze of static and moving barriers. The challenge lies in navigating the particles through this intricate layout without losing them to the barriers.

Tips and Strategies

  1. Map the Route: Before you start placing magnets, spend some time mapping out the route through the maze. Identify safe zones where particles can pause without being hit by moving barriers.
  2. Precision Placement: Place your magnets precisely to guide particles through narrow paths. Use small adjustments to fine-tune the particles’ trajectory.
  3. Timing: Watch the movement patterns of the barriers and time your particle movements accordingly. Use pauses in the barriers’ motion to move particles through tight spots.

Level 28: The Black Hole Gauntlet


Level 28 features several strategically placed black holes that can quickly end your game if you’re not careful. The key is to navigate the particles around these deadly obstacles.

Tips and Strategies

  1. Safe Distances: Keep a safe distance between your magnets and the black holes. Use the magnetic pull to guide particles around the edges of the black holes without getting too close.
  2. Alternate Routes: Look for alternative routes that keep particles away from the black holes. Sometimes the longer path is the safer one.
  3. Quick Reactions: Be prepared to make quick adjustments if particles start drifting too close to a black hole. Keep an eye on their movements and react swiftly.

Level 30: Teleportation Trickery


Level 30 introduces multiple teleportation fields, requiring players to strategically move particles from one part of the map to another. The challenge is to use these fields effectively while avoiding other obstacles.

Tips and Strategies

  1. Plan the Sequence: Determine the sequence in which particles should enter and exit the teleportation fields. This helps in avoiding collisions and ensures a smooth transition.
  2. Entry and Exit Points: Position magnets near the entry and exit points of the teleportation fields to guide particles effectively. Ensure that particles are aligned correctly to enter the fields.
  3. Combine Strategies: Use a combination of static positioning and dynamic adjustments to navigate particles through the teleportation fields and avoid obstacles.

Level 32: The Ultimate Test


Level 32 is designed to be the ultimate test of your skills, combining all previous obstacles: static barriers, black holes and teleportation fields. It’s a true test of your mastery of the game’s mechanics.

Tips and Strategies

  1. Comprehensive Planning: Plan your entire route before you start moving particles. Consider all obstacles and determine the best path.
  2. Adaptive Strategy: Be prepared to adapt your strategy as you progress. Make adjustments to your magnet placements and particle movements as needed.
  3. Patience and Precision: This level requires a high degree of patience and precision. Move slowly and carefully, making small adjustments to ensure particles stay on course.

Level 37: The Rotating Barrier Challenge


In Level 37, rotating barriers add a new layer of complexity. These barriers require precise timing and positioning to navigate successfully.

Tips and Strategies

  1. Observe Rotations: Spend some time observing the rotation patterns of the barriers. Understand when and where they create openings for particles to pass through.
  2. Strategic Magnet Placement: Place your magnets in positions that allow you to guide particles through the openings created by the rotating barriers. Timing is crucial here.
  3. Patient Navigation: Move particles in small steps, pausing when necessary to wait for the right moment to pass through the barriers.


These five levels in Magnet Mover: Puzzle Adventures are designed to challenge even the most experienced players. By following these tips and strategies, you can overcome the obstacles and complete these levels successfully. Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep experimenting with different approaches, stay patient, and enjoy the process of mastering these challenging puzzles. Happy puzzling!

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