Mastering the Basics: A Beginner’s Guide to Magnet Mover

Graphic showcasing various levels of Magnet Mover: Puzzle Adventures, highlighting the use of magnets to affect particles. The text reads 'Use the magnet to affect the particles' and 'Find the right angle'.

Welcome to the world of Magnet Mover: Puzzle Adventures! If you’re new to this captivating puzzle game, you’re in for a treat. This guide will walk you through the basics of the game, helping you understand the mechanics and providing tips to get you started on the right foot. Let’s dive in!

Understanding the Basics

Game Objective

The primary goal in Magnet Mover is to navigate particles using magnets to guide them into a designated target area. To win, you need to get five particles into the target area in succession. Sounds simple? Think again! The game introduces various obstacles and challenges that make it both exciting and challenging.

The Role of Magnets

Magnets are your main tools in the game. They have the ability to attract particles, pulling them towards their position. However, magnets can also swallow particles if they get too close. The key is to find the perfect position for your magnets to guide the particles efficiently without losing them.

Basic Controls and Mechanics

Placing Magnets

To place a magnet, simply tap on the desired location on the screen. You can move magnets around by dragging them to a new position. The trick is to find the optimal spot where the magnet can attract the particles and guide them towards the target without swallowing them.

Navigating Particles

Particles move towards the magnets based on magnetic attraction. Your task is to strategically position the magnets to create a path that leads the particles to the target. Remember, the particles need to enter the target area consecutively to win.

Overcoming Obstacles

Static and Moving Barriers

One of the first obstacles you’ll encounter are barriers. These can be static, moving, or even rotating. Static barriers remain in place, blocking the path of particles. Moving and rotating barriers add an extra layer of challenge as they require precise timing and positioning of your magnets to navigate around them.

Black Holes

Black holes are another significant obstacle. If a particle gets too close, it will be sucked in and lost forever. To avoid this, ensure that your magnets guide the particles away from the black holes and towards the target area.

Teleportation Fields

Teleportation fields are special areas that allow particles to be transported from one location to another instantly. These can be incredibly useful for bypassing difficult sections of a level. However, you’ll need to strategically place your magnets to guide the particles into and out of these fields effectively.

Tips for Beginners

Start Simple

In the beginning, focus on understanding the basic mechanics of the game. Practice placing magnets and observing how the particles react to their magnetic pull. This will help you get a feel for the game and develop your initial strategies.

Plan Ahead

Always plan your moves in advance. Look at the entire layout of the level and identify potential obstacles and challenges. Position your magnets in a way that creates a clear path for the particles to follow.

Use Obstacles to Your Advantage

Sometimes, obstacles can be used to your advantage. For example, a moving barrier might help you time the movement of particles more precisely. Experiment with different strategies and see how you can turn obstacles into opportunities.

Practice Patience

Magnet Mover requires patience and precision. Don’t rush your moves. Take your time to position your magnets correctly and observe how the particles move. With practice, you’ll develop a better understanding of the game mechanics and improve your skills.

Advanced Strategies

Dynamic Positioning

As you progress through the levels, you’ll need to adopt more advanced strategies. Dynamic positioning involves constantly adjusting the position of your magnets to adapt to the movement of particles and obstacles. This requires quick thinking and precise control.

Strategic Use of Teleportation Fields

Teleportation fields can be game-changers. Use them strategically to navigate difficult sections and bypass obstacles. Plan your moves so that the particles enter and exit the teleportation fields at the right times.

Avoiding Black Holes

Black holes can be devastating, but with careful planning, you can avoid them. Position your magnets in a way that guides the particles away from black holes. Pay attention to their gravitational pull and adjust your strategy accordingly.


Mastering the basics of Magnet Mover: Puzzle Adventures is the first step to becoming a skilled player. With these tips and strategies, you’ll be well on your way to navigating particles with precision and overcoming obstacles with ease. Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep playing, experimenting, and refining your techniques. Happy puzzling!

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